It is immeasurably distressing and frustrating to be so physically or mentally disabled to the point that you can longer work at your job. When you file for disability for Social Security and the Federal government rejects your application claiming that you are allegedly not disabled or do not qualify for disability benefits, your misery is only amplified. If you find yourself in this situation, you should seek the professional advice of a qualified attorney with experience in handling Social Security disability appeals.
At Savo, Schalk, Corsini, Warner, Gillespie, O’Grodnick & Fisher, we have attorneys experienced in the handling of every aspect of a Social Security disability appeal, from the initial filing to a full hearing before a judge, to any and all appeals thereafter. You worked a lifetime to attain your Social Security disability benefits. Do not give up if at first Social Security rejects your application. Sometimes, a little effort and a little professional assistance are enough for you to obtain these valuable benefits.
Please call our office today at 908-526-0707 or contact us online so we can discuss how we can help you gain your benefits.