Oftentimes, individuals find themselves in situations where they are unable to pay their credit cards, car loans and/or mortgages. Most frequently, this results from events beyond their control, such as illness, loss of employment, divorce or separation. The constant demands of creditors cause unneeded stress and take away from day-to-day family well-being.
Chapters 7 and 13 of the Bankruptcy Code offer relief to individuals who find themselves in such an unfortunate situation. Credit card bills, medical bills and other similar debts can be discharged in their totality. Payment plans which cure arrears on mortgages can be confirmed and made binding.
The attorneys at Savo, Schalk, Corsini, Warner, Gillespie, O’Grodnick & Fisher are fully knowledgeable of the requirements of Chapter 7 and 13 of the Bankruptcy Code, with more than thirty years experience in representing individuals in bankruptcy. We assist those in need of such relief by filing the appropriate bankruptcy petition and representing individuals throughout the entire bankruptcy process.
Please call us today at (908) 527-0707 or contact us online to discuss your legal needs.