Individuals and business entities file bankruptcy for a variety of reasons. Upon receipt of a notice from the Bankruptcy Court, creditors become frustrated and confused about what they can and cannot do and how do they protect their interest.
Creditors have rights and there are a variety of options open to protect those rights. Secured creditors may be entitled to interim payments. They may be entitled to petition the court to allow them to repossess their collateral. In instances where an indication of fraud may appear, creditors may object to a bankruptcy discharge.
The attorneys at Savo, Schalk, Corsini, Warner, Gillespie, O’Grodnick & Fisher have more than thirty years of experience in protecting the rights of creditors. If you receive a notice of bankruptcy or other insolvency proceedings, please contact the experienced attorneys at our firm at (908) 526-0707 or contact us online to discuss your legal matter.