June 23, 2016 – Firm attorneys Alexander Fisher, Esq. and Michael O’Grodnick, Esq. have published an article, “Landlord-Tenant Practice Tips”, in the current issue of the Somerset County Bar Association’s The Clarion magazine. This article details the background law and procedure for pursuing a landlord-tenant claim in the State of New Jersey. Alex and Mike, both seasoned practitioners in this area, provide a comprehensive journey through the intricacies of this important but often poorly-understood area of the law.
The Clarion, the Somerset County Bar Association’s flagship publication, is distributed to that organization’s member-attorneys. The SCBA consists of attorneys who practice or reside in Somerset County and The Clarion is the publication of record of attorneys who frequent the Somerset County Courthouse. The article is reproduced in its entirety below.
Alex and Mike are experts in virtually every aspect of landlord-tenant law and stand ready, along with all of our the professionals at Savo, Schalk, Gillespie, O’Grodnick & Fisher, P.C., to serve clients in all their legal needs in this and other areas.